What Don’tcha Want?

What Don’tcha Want? Process thinking starts with the basic idea of cause and effect. Every outcome has a cause, and process thinking breaks the cause down into manageable bite-sized pieces fit for consumption. Every process falls into one of three categories: Processes with outcomes we want Processes with outcomes we don’t want Processes with outcomes […]

Good Stories

Good Stories A good story is important when trying to engage an audience, whether we’re trying to share an idea, teach a lesson, or entertain, and every good story involves a want. When the characters in a story are passionate about what they want, it draws the audience in, but if they don’t seem to […]

Where Does the Time Go?

Where Does The Time Go? Time is a currency everybody uses. No matter who we are, we all have exactly 168 hours of time to spend each week, no more, no less.  It’s not enough to do everything, so try not to waste too much of it worrying about the infinite things we aren’t doing […]

Funny Words

Funny Words A live post to track amusing anecdotes from my kids as they learn about or abuse the English language. They just turned 9 and 6, so most of this should still be rated E for everyone. If I’m still updating this 10 years from now, that rating may change. For now, it’s still […]

If It’s a Priority, Measure It!

If It’s a Priority, Measure It! If something is truly important, then we should know how we’re doing with it. There’s a quote from management guru Peter Drucker that says: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. In practice, there are things we can improve without measuring, but we may not realize, appreciate, […]