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If everybody had their own life coach, we’d all hear important annoying things like:

“The path to any success starts with goals and knowing what you want”


… gives meaning to what we do

… makes decisions easier

… means fewer missed opportunities and regrets

… maybe most importantly, lets us appreciate when we have it.

Everybody has a right to know what they want. Hi, I’m an Oliver and a lifelong process improvement enthusiast who has helped over 100 metric tons of people in a wide range of industries including aerospace, sales, manufacturing, healthcare, colleges, and horse breeding. Situations were unique, but there were common revelations that could benefit anyone, so it only seems right to try and share them universally and freely with everyone. The most common revelation and biggest barrier to improvement, by far, was being clear and staying clear on what we want.

Orange Gnu City is a reminder to pull over once in a while to remember what it is we want and what’s most important to us. This website will be an ever-expanding hot mess of ideas, experiences, lessons learned and things I find amusing. The ultimate goal would be for everybody to find renewed sense of purpose and direction to make the world a happier place. If not, then at least the content is free.

Disclaimer:  What we want is a very important, but also very personal, which makes it hard to write about without sounding presumptuous at times, so I’ll apologize up front. Sorry if/when I come across presumptuous, or pretentious, or preposterous, or any other word that starts with pre- and ends with -ous, except precious. I have no apology at this time for sounding precious. Maybe later.

What Do We Want?

The better we can explain what we want to ourselves and to others, the more likely we are to get it and hold on to it. Since there are an infinite number of things we could want, it’s really about knowing our priorities so we aren’t unintentionally sacrificing something we really want for something less important. Sometimes we may choose to sacrifice one want for another, that should be a choice and not an oversight.

To help think through what we could want, the infinite possibilities can be sorted into the finite categories below, each with a link to some more detailed explanation.




About Orange Gnu City (OGC)

The name “Orange Gnu City” comes from a questionable rhyme in a book I was working on with my daughter. It reminded me that making time for family is more important than working 70+ hours every week. That may sound like a no-brainer to many, even before mentioning that I was on a fixed salary with no overtime pay for the last 10 years, but changing the behaviour, established long before having kids, wasn’t easy.

I created Orange Gnu City (OGC) primarily to support two (2) re-prioritized wants:

  1. (Family) – I want my kids to have the attention and support they need to develop the skills required to understand and pursue what will make them happy, while helping to deal with any barriers they encounter in a productive manner.  This is a long-term commitment, but it’s important, so posting it here turns the thought into something tangible to keep myself accountable. Good thoughts without tangible actions won’t change things, and no change means no improvement.  On the other hand, actions without thoughts aren’t great either. Thoughtless actions are a good way to get hurt, or have people want to hurt you, so the reminder here is to think AND act.
  2. (To Help Globally) – I want to help people to help themselves to help others. I’ve found that most people do want to help others but may be reluctant due to the situation or poor past experiences. A world where helping others spread pandemically would be ideal. OGC is a start, helping people clarify what they want, making it easier to see what’s going right in their lives, and finding ways to make things better.
And just one last bit of wisdom that I normally like to lead with, but can end with just as well:
“We don’t know what we don’t know, and what we do know might be wrong even if it was once considered right.”
These twenty-two little words can help keep our minds open to learning and change. Practically speaking, this means respecting everyone’s perspectives, not making assumptions, asking questions, sharing ideas and problems (so people have an opportunity to help, because people are really helpful), and accepting that we all have limits. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what our limits are because that makes them so much easier to break.
On that note, welcome to Orange Gnu City.  So, whaddya want?…   Really.
Oli H
Mayor of Orange Gnu City
Honourary Gnu
About the Mayor

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